Stockholm & Göteborg

Tusen tack till två fina kvällar i Göteborg & Stockholm.  Jag är så glad för alla som kommer.  Och så tacksam för alla historier ni delar med er av.  Och för blommor och vin och varmt välkomnande! ...

Palladium i Malmö

Tack för en jättemysig kväll på Palladium i Malmö igår. Underbar publik och fina möten. Hoppas vi ses igen!I morgon spelar vi på Lilla Cirkus – varmt...

Back on the road in Sweden

After a week off celebrating easter in the warm spring sun we’re back on the road in Sweden. First stop in Jönköping yesterday.All the best/ Sophie Jönköpings Teater #sunrisetour2019...

Bart and Eva at Rock Lobster in Antwerpen

Couldn’t end this first part of the tour at a better place  than being guests of Bart and Eva at Rock Lobster in Antwerpen .Best B&B ever . Thank you for everything and thank you audiance for an unforgettable evening. Love/...

A well visited venue in Bern

Feels a little like home..Thank you wonderful pepole.And also thank you so much to everyone we met in Basel .A real nice and cosy place.I hope you want us back in the future..All the best and love / Sophie with...

Back in Zürich

So nice to be back in Zürich and to Bogen.Many thanks to the staff- you make us feel so welcome .And to the audiance – you are fantastic ! Love/...

Concert at Cirkus Arena & Restaurang

STOCKHOLM: The tickets for Sophie Zelmani’s concert at Cirkus Arena & Restaurang on April 28 will sell quickly so secure your tickets here..     Buy...

Thank you Poland

Thank you for a wonderful ending in Stettin yesterday. We have had a fantastic time in Poland and I really hope to visit you again for more shows . So nice to meet you all. All the best/...

Teatr Stary, Lublin

Teatr Stary, Lublin, getting ready. It became a wonderful evening because of you lovely audiance!   Thank you. Love / Sophie  ...